Action Request Forms

Action Request Forms are provided in the laundry rooms and in the site office. Residents may submit Action Request Forms to the Talltree South site office to report common element maintenance problems such as lights not working, clogged gutters, etc., and the office will process an Action Request.

If exterior lights, hallway lights, or laundry room lights are out, please call the on-site office so that they are aware of the problem and correct it as soon as possible. If problems arise with the washers or dryers, call the laundry vendor (currently Coinmach) using the number posted near the washer, and also fill out an Action Request Form and submit it to the site office.

We attempt to complete work requests within two weeks, but the Association's staff responds to hundreds of work requests annually. Feel free to contact the office for an update as to the status of your request. See the Emergency Service page at the beginning of the handbook for emergency problems.


A master insurance policy is provided by the Association. If you need a certificate of insurance for your mortgage company, see the site office for the phone number to call at our insurance company.

Our Staff

Kelly Dillon
Rick Russell
Talltree South
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Steve RugenSteve Rugen
Cardinal Management Group