Resolution 1988-1: Pet Rules / Size Limitation

Effective: July 1, 1988

Resolution 1988-1 (actually unnumbered, titled Pet Rules / Size Limitation) prohibited pets over 40 lbs., other than seeing-eye dogs and exceptions made as of that date. The resolution established fines for unleashed pets, noise nuisance, failure to register pet, or pet defecation or urination outside of pet walking areas, and provided a Pet Registration Form.

Open or Download Resolution on Pet Rules. [.pdf, 54.17K]

Water Leaks

It is important that every owner maintain his or her unit so that it does not leak, but sometimes accidents occur such as overflowing tubs, leaking pipes, or showers with failing caulk or grout. If a leak originates in a unit, it is the responsibility of that unit owner to fix the problem and any damage caused to other units or to the common elements. If a leak originates in a common element, it is the Association's responsibility.

Our Staff

Kelly Dillon
Rick Russell
Talltree South
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Steve RugenSteve Rugen
Cardinal Management Group