
The Bylaws require that each owner supply the Association with a working set of keys for emergency access and to perform other necessary duties. The keys are not a lock-out service, however, if you have provided the office with a key, the on-site manager can give you access to your unit during office hours. If your front and rear doors are keyed differently, you may want to provide both keys to the office in case an emergency blocks one door.

Mailbox keys are solely the responsibility of the Unit Owner. Neither the Association nor the Postal Service has a key for your individual mailbox. If your key is lost, the safest recourse is to replace the mailbox lock using the services of a locksmith.

Landlord Address and Phone

If you are a landlord, you must provide your current address and daytime and evening telephone numbers and cell phone numbers to the Association to ensure that all notices from the Association reach you directly and that you can be reached in case of emergency.

Non-receipt of an invoice or payment coupon does not relieve you of the obligation to pay an assessment or charge by the due date.

Our Staff

Kelly Dillon
Rick Russell
Talltree South
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Steve RugenSteve Rugen
Cardinal Management Group