Resolution 2012-1: Due Process

Effective: March 1, 2012.

Resolution 2012-1 supersedes prior resolutions with regard to due process.  A few highlights:

  • If a Unit Owner is more than 60 days past due in payment of assessments, or in violation of rules and regulations despite notice to correct, the Board of Directors may schedule a hearing with regard to suspension of priviliges such as parking and use of the pool.
  • If a Unit Owner has a "continuing" violation, such as trash on their balcony or patio,  that they have failed to remedy within the days specified in the notice they have been sent, they may be called to a hearing to present their defenses prior to being assessed monetary charges.
  • If a Unit Owner has a "single offense" violation, e.g., use of a charcoal grill or open flame, within 24 months of being previously cited for said violation, the Board may call them directly to a hearing without a lengthy notice period.
  • Read the resolution for complete information.

These rules are intended to ensure prompt attention to Talltree South rules and regulations, but to provide due process for Owners to present their explanations.

Open or Download Resolution 2012-1, Due Process. [.pdf, 43.3 K]


The use of the pool is exclusively limited to the owners and tenants of Talltree South, Talltree Gardens, and Maplewood Village. All residents must obtain a pool pass to be admitted to the pool area. To receive the pool pass, all condominium fees must be paid in full. Passes are distributed by the office each spring and are announced on the bulletin board.

Each member must abide by the rules for the pool which are set by the pool association and pool management company. Please obtain the most recent pool rules when you obtain your pool pass.

Our Staff

Kelly Dillon
Rick Russell
Talltree South
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Steve RugenSteve Rugen
Cardinal Management Group