Condominium Fees

The condominium fees, also known as condominium assessments, are your share of the cost of the common expenses: the repair, replacement, and maintenance of what are known as the "common elements" and payment of common utilities and Talltree South's share of the costs of the swimming pool. The "common elements" include the external grounds and parking lots, and the shared portions of the buildings such as the roofs and hallways. The condominium documents include a complete, legal definition of the common elements. A budget is prepared yearly and is provided to each unit owner.

Although every unit owner would like the condo fees to remain low, associations setting them too low may discover unexpected expenses and then need to have what is called a "special assessment" over and above the monthly fee. Your Board has always been careful to plan for major expenses such as re-roofing, painting, and gas heat increases and has never levied a special assessment. We know that extra special assessments would really hurt owners' personal budgets and want to avoid them through careful budget planning. You are welcome to participate in this planning.

The condo fee is due in advance, on the 1st day of each month. Your check should be made payable to Talltree South, and should be mailed to the address on your coupons. Please write your account number on your check. It should NOT be dropped at the association office.

Action Request Forms

Action Request Forms are provided in the laundry rooms and in the site office. Residents may submit Action Request Forms to the Talltree South site office to report common element maintenance problems such as lights not working, clogged gutters, etc., and the office will process an Action Request.

Our Staff

Kelly Dillon
Rick Russell
Talltree South
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Steve RugenSteve Rugen
Cardinal Management Group